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Our Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant


Mycorrhizae are a specialised plant root partnering soil fungus that helps inoculated plants grow better.


Improved water & mineral efficiency

Improved stress resistance, particulary for drought or challenging soils

Plants partnered with mycorrizae grow faster, stronger, yield more and have less pest problems.



  • Light dusting to seeds before germination for improved vigour
  • Diluted in water as a soak/drench for established seedlings, pots and plants in garden
  • Dry sprinkled around established plants & trees, then watered into rootzone



This blended product contains the fungus spores ready to grow + organic conditioners to help boost their initial growth:

  • 8 species of mycorrhizae - (endo & ecto)
  • 2 species of Trichoderma - (beneficial fungus that controls soil-borne diseases)
  • 7 species of beneficial bacteria


With good gardening practices, this product is only required once (in most instances)

Myco Magic

120 Grams
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